Friday, February 24, 2017

5 Effective Tips to Help Increase Milk Production

A friend reached out to me about increasing her milk supply with her sweet baby boy #2.  It got me thinking if I can help her, I hope this can help someone out there too!  I am in no means an expert but I have learned over my past 7 months of exclusively pumping that these few effective things helped increase my milk production.

Drink water: Stay hydrated!  The more you drink, the more your milk supply will increase.  I kept two full water bottles in the nursery, slept with a water bottle next to me, and constantly drank throughout the day in order to keep hydrated.  Buy lots of fun new water bottles to keep close by.  My favorite is the Swell bottle because it keeps the water cold (I can thank my sister for my Swell bottle addiction!).  On the one or two days that I didn't drink my normal amount, I noticed a significant decrease in supply the next day.  Once I started drinking water again (and did a power pump - more info below!), my supply came back immediately.

Remember to EAT!: You're welcome! :) No, but seriously.  As a new mom, it's so easy to skip meals or go hours without eating because you're taking care of your newborn.  It's so important to have healthy meals and snacks throughout the day.  I always hear that dads have a hard time in the beginning newborn phase since they feel the baby only needs mom.  But this is a HUGE area where dads can help...prepare the meals and bring snacks to mom!

Eat Oatmeal + flaxseed: I constantly read about oatmeal increasing milk supply so I had oatmeal basically for every breakfast those first 3 months.  Oatmeal is a good source of iron.  Low levels of iron can decrease milk supply, so it makes sense that oatmeal increases the milk flow.  I just sprinkle chia seeds and flaxseeds on top and try mixing it up by eating hot oatmeal or overnight oats so you don't get sick of it!

Power Pump: Ok, you guys.  I got desperate during one of my son's growth spurts and didn't know what to do.  I read about Power Pumping and I tried it twice when I noticed my supply dipping or I couldn't keep up with a growth spurt.  I literally did it twice in the first 3 months and I'm a firm believer that this theory works!!  It works by repeatedly emptying the breast, signalling the body to make more milk (it's all about supply + demand!).  Power Pump = for one hour use the following pump pattern (or something similar): Pump 20 minutes; rest 10 minutes.  Pump 10 minutes; rest 5-10 minutes.  Try it!

Limit Stress:  This is so much easier said than done.  Especially during those first few stressful months when you're learning about your little one and your hormones are flying everywhere.  Try to enjoy every single second with your little one and savor these special moments....they grow WAY too fast!  I was feeling stressed since I wanted my son to have 100% breast milk (which we were so fortunate to accomplish following all these tips + pumping religiously every 2 hours) but someone told me that a few drops of breast milk is better than zero.  Even if you have to supplement 95%...that's okay!  You have to do what's right for you and the baby.  That's all that matters!

The truth is, the more often and effectively you nurse, the more milk you will have.  However, I think these few tips above help too!

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