Tuesday, June 30, 2015

32 things I know at 32

  1. Always send a thank you note.  Gratitude goes a long way.
  2. The right thing will happen in the end.  If it’s not right…it’s not the end.
  3. Family is everything.
  4. Wrinkle cream.  I just wish I started using it in my 20’s!
  5. Your life will probably not be exactly where you envisioned it to be.  But that’s okay.
  6. Dogs and puppies are a girl’s best friend.
  7. Smile, you’ll look prettier.
  8. Be nice to everyone – the janitor, the cleaning crew, the office Director, your colleagues.  You’ll never know when your paths will cross again. 
  9. Happiness is being married to your best friend.
  10. No one can read your mind.  Communicate how you really feel.
  11. Somehow running 13.1 miles is so much more difficult than 10 miles.  It’s only 3.1 more miles but it feels like 31.
  12. You’ll deal with loss.  It’s inevitable.  It’s the way you handle the loss and move forward with your life that makes all the difference.  You have two choices – to be sad the rest of your life or try to live your life to make that person proud. 
  13. Home is where your heart is. <3
  14. Be positive and don’t complain.  There’s always someone out there who has it much worse.
  15. Your path in life has been created for a reason. 
  16. Be present.
  17. You’ll dislike your parents until about 21.  Then, they’ll become your very best friends.
  18. It’s okay not to plan everything.  Go with the flow and have fun.
  19. Exercise keeps you young.  And less stressed!  When you’re having a bad day, go exercise.  You’ll feel 99% better when you’re done.
  20. Don’t dwell on the negative things that are happening presently.  It may not make sense but there’s a reason it’s happening.
  21. Act the way you want to feel.  If you need more energy, go start knocking things off your to-do list.  If you want to feel happy, then be happy.
  22. It’s so much easier to shop online than at the mall.
  23. Kids these days will never know what life was like before a cell phone.  In a way, it seems so much less stressful when we weren’t so connected.
  24. Compliment your husband. 
  25. Actions speak a million times more than words.
  26. Work hard.  At work, at home, at the gym.
  27. If you have to force it, leave it alone.  Jeans, relationships.  Just leave it.
  28. You are exactly where you are in life because of the choices you've made.
  29. The older you get, the faster the years seem to fly by.
  30. Paint colors NEVER look the same on your walls compared to the paint chip.
  31. Kauai, Hawaii is just about the best place on earth.
  32. Karma.

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