Friday, October 30, 2015

Day 1 of Construction - Digging the Footings

October 29, 2015 - it's officially day one of construction.  Ryan and I went to visit the house during the afternoon to pick up some last minute items left in the house and we were shocked at how much work was already completed in just one day.  Let's hope this trend continues!

Oh and before I go any further, I am NO construction expert and will probably use all the wrong lingo along the way....hope you bear with me!

So Day 1 was digging of the footings (back entertainment room and front portico) and unhooking the existing appliances.  Here are the photos...

I'm not going to lie, it's very tough seeing your house in this shape.  I know this is just the demolition phase and it will all be worth it down the line but this is my HOME!

We'll be visiting every day or so to keep up on the progress.  We'll keep you updated!

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