Sunday, June 19, 2016

Favorite Pregnancy Workouts

It was super important to me to continue my active, healthy lifestyle throughout my pregnancy.  Although, I wanted to be sure everything I was doing was safe for the baby.  During the first trimester, I asked my doctor a lot of questions about what I could continue to do and what I should avoid.  He said I can continue to do anything I was doing before pregnancy and just really listen to my body.  If something felt uncomfortable, stop!

There are such great benefits of exercising throughout your pregnancy:

  • Improves circulation
  • More energy
  • Allows you to sleep better
  • Improves your mood
  • Less likely to gain excessive weight
  • Help alleviate hip and joint pain 
Just be sure to talk with your doctor before starting or continuing any exercise program during your pregnancy!

I continued to go to my Bar Method classes.  Just talk with the instructors about pregnancy modifications and make sure you provide your doctor's note.  For me, I stopped rotating and twisting immediately but didn't really have to modify anything else until 20 weeks.  I also continued elliptical workouts but just made sure not to elevate my heart rate past 130-140 bpm.  I continued taking my pup for walks all the time and usually did an upper body workout after our walk.  I noticed that my hips and back would start to ache if I sat too much or didn't move much throughout the day. 

Here are some awesome FREE workouts I found online:

Full Body Workouts - 

Upper Body - 

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