Monday, April 8, 2013

Cherry Blossom 2013

So it's that time of year again, my favorite race is upon's the Cherry Blossom 10 Miler!

This year seemed extra special since the cherry blossoms were just about in full bloom for race day.  Usually they have already peaked and fallen off by race day.

I'm also training for the Nike Women's Half Marathon at the end of April and wouldn't you know...this 10 miler fit perfectly in my training plan!  My goal for this race was to run under a 10 minute mile.  So here we go...
Arriving with the crowds
Ryan came with me and decided to be my personal photographer!  Aren't I lucky :)

5 mile split: 50:05
10K split: 1:02:00
Net time: 1:38:59
Pace: 9:53
After, with medal in hand!

It was a great race - perfect running weather!  At first, I wasn't sure if I was going to leisurely run so I could take pictures of the beautiful blossoms and scenes.  But as I was keeping track of my time on RunKeeper and doing well, I decided to actually race and forget about the picture taking!

I started off wearing long sleeves and took off close to mile 2.  Luckily, I saw Ryan around mile 4 and was able to get rid of it just in time for Hains Point!  The wind really picked up going out on Hains Point but as soon as we turned around mile 7, the wind was at our backs and I was ready to pick it up for the finish.

As always, this race is one of my favorites and I cannot wait to run it again in 2014!

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