Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Nike Women's Half Marathon DC 2013

By far, the BEST race I have ever run to date!  The entire experience from the Expotique (yes, Expo + Boutique = Expotique!) to the finish line was so organized and enthusiastic.  Nike knows how to put on a race!

Let's get started with the training. I've been training with a friend and we met on our favorite trail once a week to keep each other motivated.  We lucked out with such great running weather most of the time.  This picture below was our hottest training runs - about 90 plus degrees but we felt strong!  Plus, we ran through Kenwood with such beautiful scenery, which helps make a miserable run....FUN!

Kenwood Forest, Bethesda
Now let's get to the Expotique...

The Expo was located on the Georgetown waterfront, which I thought would be difficult getting to without Metro but we found a great parking spot and had a blast!  Grabbed my bib and pace corral info and explored the Expo! 

They had a huge wall the runners could sign.  So of course I got down to business and signed, "We're running for Boston!".  It's true, every mile of that race I wanted to stop and give up.  But I thought to myself, "I'm running and refuse to stop because I so fortunate I am able to run!"

There was tons of great swag throughout the Expo - Paul Mitchell, Bare Essentials, Luna name it!  Great music and volunteers cheering us on for a great race day.

So, Sunday at 7:00 AM was race day!

And we're off...

The Corrals were a little crowded but that is the one and only recommendation I would make for next year - to better space the corrals so the first few miles weren't so crowded.  

But seriously, look at these views...

Back of the pack | Photo courtesy of Ryan!

The course was fun - very similar to Cherry Blossom 10 miler (mile 3 - mile 10).  We ran through tunnels with loud bands and it just kept me smiling!  Nike did an amazing job lifting the runner's spirits throughout the course - music, signs, bands, motivational quotes...

And for what we've all been waiting for...

Our Tiffany&Co necklaces at the finish!  This is what I mean, Nike went above and beyond every chance they could.  They could have just laid out our Tiffany boxes...but no, they had men dressed in tuxes and black Nike's personally delivering our metal and congratulating us!

Okay, now for what we've really been running for...

I hope the Nike Women's series makes it back to DC for 2014.  I will definitely run DC all over again with them!  #letsturnitup #werundc

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