Friday, January 24, 2014

Bar Method + 10 miler Training

I'm planning to run the 2014 Cherry Blossom 10 absolute favorite race of the year!  I'm so excited to incorporate Bar Method into my training program this year.  I ran the Turkey Chase on Thanksgiving morning and my legs felt the strongest they have ever felt during a race.  I owe this completely to Bar Method.  In fact, I wasn't even sore the next day.  Thank you, Bar Method! :) 

I have no idea how it happened, but I looked at my calendar and I realize I need to start my 10 miler training on MONDAY!  So here's my 10 week training plan -

I've always felt some training programs have too much running involved.  While some don't agree with this type of training, this is just a personal preference of mine.  I do best when I have rested, strong legs...not completely worn-out-by-race-day legs.  In fact, I once was a member of the local Road Runners Club and I LOVED it; the friendships made, the early morning hours (yes, HOURS) of running, and how everyone in the club loved running as much (or even more) than I did!  It was great! However, the actual half marathon race I ran at the end of the program was my worst race to date - I was drained, my legs were exhausted, and I just wanted it to be over.

So I took what I learned from the Road Runner's Club and made it work for me....and created this training program.  


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