Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Honeymoon in San Francisco

After relaxing for a week in Kauai, HI, it was time to jet-set to CA!  Part 2 of our Honeymoon two-week adventure takes us to beautiful San Francisco!

This was my first time visiting San Fran.  Ryan had been previously for work and it was neat he could be my little tour guide for the few days there.

We stayed at the Standford Court in Nob Hill.  It was such a different vibe compared to Hawaii but I think we both enjoyed the change of scenery.  Nob Hill was very business-like, full of hustle and bustle.  We only stayed in San Fran for about two days so we tried to fit as much in a possible.

We spent the first day being typical tourists...

We took a 90 minute bus tour - saw Union Square, Civic Center, Painted Ladies of Alamo Square (aka: Full House houses), Haight Ashbury District.  It was a great experience and fun to fit in everything since we were only there for a short time.  Honestly, if we had longer, we probably would not have done the bus tour and would have preferred to explore the different areas more.

Painted Ladies
Haight Ashbury District
After our touristy day, we wanted a relaxing, cozy dinner.  My mom recommended the Nob Hill Cafe, which was right near our hotel.

We walked there that evening around 6:00 and got seated just in time.  The people arriving right after us had 45 minute to 1 hour wait times.  We enjoyed a bottle of wine, way too much bread, and two delicious entrees.  

We absolutely loved it and often wish we had our own little Nob Hill Cafe near us at home.  Such a great cozy location and amazing home-made Italian food!

Day two involved a quick little morning workout (gotta work off all that wine and bread!).

Then we explored Fisherman's Wharf and walked to the Alcatraz area.  Since Alcatraz requires reservations and gets filled quickly, we had to book our Alcatraz tickets through City Sightseeing (same company we did the bus tour).  I'm so glad we saw Alcatraz even though it took a lot of our time.  It's pretty interesting to know this prison isn't that old - people were there in the late 60's.  The self-guided tour was so informative and I learned so much.  Also, there were beautiful views of the city on the boat ride to Alcatraz.

After Alcatraz, we continued exploring Pier 39 area.

Pier 39
It was such a nice evening to watch the sunset, talk to the seals, and enjoy the evening together.  We weren't really sure where to eat but settled on Fog Harbor Fish House on Pier 39.  It was pretty good - great views and we didn't have to wait to be seated.  They had a great happy hour and it was exactly what we wanted that evening.  

After dinner, we took the Cable Car (probably could have walked faster BUT when in San Fran...do what San Fran's do, right?) right back up to the top of the hill.

It felt like we just arrived but it's already time to get back up and head on to the next big adventure.....

We're so glad we ventured to San Fran as part of the honeymoon.  It was so fun exploring the city and we would definitely love to come back.  When we think back on our honeymoon, lots of our memories are here in San Fran!

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