Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Cape Cod Remodel - Framing

We're going on Week 3 of the remodel...

As you can see, the framing's going up for the downstairs entertainment looks great! You can see in the first photo that they removed the middle pole that provided support for the deck. We'll have swinging french doors in that big open space that will open out to the back yard.  

The plan is to do the framing for this room in order to support the sunroom above.  Once the framing is complete, they will continue more of the kitchen demo and removing kitchen walls.  That will be exciting!


  1. Now that is progress...and that 'Cyber Monday' (first Mon. in Dec) is when we got 85% off on the Mikasa china and there were one day HOT HOT specials on if you know what make and model you want you may be able to get one day extraordinary deals. Mark your calendar! Hearts and Stars.

  2. Bay wants to know where the pool is going to be in the backyard? He is very excited abt this new feature and would like a water slide installed from the deck so he can avoid all those stairs!
